Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New Day...Yawn...

Ok, I wasn't going to comment on this moment in history because, well, it's sort of like Tom Brokaw handicapping the upcoming season of Top Chef (yum, food porn...mark your calendars -- November 12th premiere)...but also because I was taught early in life that voraciously advertising your political leanings displays poor manners. And I continue to share that perspective instilled in me by my parents....we are not lawn sign, bumper sticker or lapel pin proponents in this house...that is one thing about which we will go on record. And admit it -- there is nothing more pathetic than a beat up old Suburu station wagon with a faded "Gore/Lieberman 2000" sticker peeling off the rear bumper eight years hence....cringe-worthy...

But then this morning while I was out grabbing my iced venti non-fat latte there was some buffoon on line in front of me preening in this computer geek version of a varsity jacket, leather sleeves and all, the logo of a major tech firm printed on the back. But you could barely see it because his entire jacket was covered with Obama stickers...really -- is that the fashion statement you want to make? And the dude was kind of lingering at the coffee shop, waiting for someone to congratulate him or "hey, your candidate won so that must mean you are finally cool." Instead everyone in the place was giving him sidelong glances and rolling their eyes (including me...again, advertising political leanings = bad manners...). It's like this guy was hiding for weeks and now he's empowered, coming out of the liberal closet in some sense...pulling an "in your face" on the cool kids in town. Like a bad Revenge of the Nerds sequel...I was kind of like: Come on buddy, act like you've been there before.

I live in a pretty, little, upper-middle class, suburban community a mere 16 miles west of New York City. The overwhelming majority of Wyckoff citizens are highly educated, well-informed, mostly pro-choice, support gay marriage and are environmentally conscious....that said, I would also say 80% of my friends and neighbors identify themselves as Republicans. But are we? Do we fit anywhere really? Based on this morning's reports, it is this specific suburban demographic that elected our new president. Well I suppose there are many explanations for that aside from all the buzz word reasoning -- the "need for change" -- I think that maybe there was something else to consider that made Obama the overwhelming all-important undeniable aspect: personality, baby. And when you have it in excess (see Bill Clinton) you can pretty much write your own ticket.

You know how much I dig old guys, I've never denied that, but John McCain...well, I think he would have been an honorable, strong president, but it's been clear from the get-go that in the charisma department, Obama had the edge. And to a lot of people, that makes a difference when all is said and done. As much as I hate to admit it, there were tears in my eyes when he addressed his supporters last night...he's engaging with his whole "Yes We Can" thing. But regardless of which candidate I believe actually has the experience to lead this country, or what goals are attainable and realistic for a president to accomplish, regardless of the state of our nation at home or our image globally, it comes down to this: people are drawn to that X-factor, the power one has to make others follow him and believe his words. And that, my friends, is a major component in how elections are won...Fair enough, right? enough of this newsworthy stuff...let's move on to discussion of more pressing Mrs. Biden's snappy election night get up -- cute little pixie in chartreuse...And what about NeNe and Kim on The Real Housewives last about an epic battle....And the Oscar race...has that started yet? Now that's a campaign I can get excited about.....


Anonymous said...

I'm just going to lay low until Rudy G is on the ticket

Anonymous said...

great summation!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You should have submitted that to the papers. My hubby was impressed, too, Mr. Republican himself.