Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'll Meet You Halfway...

I have barely had a second to focus this week...all the activity and happenings and preparations and autumn fun and games...there was the Harvest Festival and the apple picking and meetings and more meetings and the hilarious exercise of seeking out faux rabbit fur coats to borrow (which were surprisingly available in this preppy town...thanks Amy!) and vintage jewels and fem-bot dresses and very high heels and a $65 dollar wig and consulting my makeup artist for the intricate, yet probably indecipherable Halloween costume I will be sporting for the kegger/freak fest that spooky weekend of festivity always brings...and you will have to wait to see the pictures because I am not telling!!!

And then...there is this know all about it...Avon Walk weekend is upon and now finally...and thank you, my dear friends for supporting, donating, cheering on Team Jughead again this year...

We are spending the week digging out every piece of pink clothing and accessory and packing our pink water bottles and pink Jughead team shirts and pink lip gloss and pink nail polish and pink sports bras and pink Hanky Panky's and all that so we can check into some Marriott on the East Side across from Smith & Wollensky (Wolly's???)...and so we can eat a kick off dinner and sip some kick off cocktails on Friday and snuggle two to a bed, praying that the vintage NYC bedbugs don't bite...ick... Well, at least I will be bitten with my dearest and very besties...

So...what I am really here to tell you this week is that, this year, Team Jughead is not waiting until the hallucinations set in on the Manhattan Bridge before we think to replenish with a Corona or two... No, instead this year we are planning ahead of time to replenish with a Corona or two...or three...and maybe a burger and some fries and some nachos and maybe a few more beers with the Euros who stop by for some soccer or rugby or cricket game on the satellite dish...and maybe at that point a few PBR's and some long-winded conversations of how much we love one another will also be introduced and enjoyed....all together, Jugheads and the 13.6 mile mark, this Saturday, October 16th...

So... I am almost 100% certain this will be the first ever organized mid-Walk Jughead beer fest...the first ever that we are inviting you along to experience with us. Because, my friends...I know you are Jugheads at heart and will be there with us in even if you planned on chilling on the couch or at the club or the football field or the can grab your buddies, hop the train and chill with the Jughead Sisterhood instead...we would love to celebrate with you...and we promise we Jugheads will do our best after 13.6 miles on hard pavement to look as festive and delicious and inviting as we do in these photos up and down this page.

Come one...come all...bring your friends and neighbors and office buddies and tennis partners and (adult) kids and nephews and parents and drunk uncles and all that... Saturday, October 16th, around 1:30 p.m. until....whenever!! At The Downtown Galway Hooker, 133 Seventh Avenue South, between Charles and West 10th Streets, in Greenwich Village...

See you Halfway there...!
xoxo.....Suz & Team Jughead

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